Kurokawa - Dynamic:
This building is designed for a waterfront location where the smaller prisms retract into the larger ones. This shows the literal representation of the phenomenal experience seen in some of Kurokawa's work.
Kurokawa - Metablosim:
The large scale of this building is paramount to its relation to metabolism. The use of large negative spaces allows it to tower over other existing structures without disrupting their view. The ground floor requires very little space in relation to the size of the building, making it suitable for integration into a busy area, however the engineering would be challenging to say the least.
Holl - Porosity:
The building is literally a solid block with 4 rectangles extracted from it at perpendicular angles. These rectangles positioned at different locations allow the light to react in phenomenal ways, in keeping with Holl's theme of porosity. Even though the building is symmetrical panoramic glass windows never allow the lighting to be similar in different parts of the building.
Holl- Phenomenology using Parallax:
The design of this structure creates a distinct experience due to its perpendicular protruding limbs. The building will never look as expansive as it truly is from any one angle, especially ground level because of the postion of each limb. As one rotates around the building the apparent 'size' will change due to parallax.
Holl - Enmeshed experience through angled views:
The use of intersecting prisms in this structure allows me to create protruding sections which frame a view at a certain angle, similar to Holl's Vanke Centre. This building frames angles at all major points on the compass and could give interesting viewpoints of separate parts of a city if its location was planned correctly.
Kurokawa - Symbiosis:
Symbiosis is the combintaion of two elements, most commonly contrasting, to create something new. The combination of old and new in this structure are represented by the castle turrets cantilevered off a sleek modern shape of a building. The textures in this case would be very important.