Sunday, 6 May 2012


The first combination is of Kisho Kurokawa's Dynamic Architecture and Steven Holl's Angled Views.
The combination still presents a sort of phenomenolgy because it is such a broad term, but specifically the newest theme developed is Varying Vision.
The framed view is constantly changing as the dynamic architecture moves, which symbolizes the variety of perceptions that people have towards separate parts of society.

The second combination is of Kisho Kurokawa's Symbiosis and Steven Holl's Porosity.
The connection of these two models was very smooth because of the large spaces each model had separately, but when brought together there were even more individual spaces created which reminded me of the theme of Negative Space.
 These negative spaces are always open which promotes connection between inside and out. There are no closed boxes which can clutter the thoughts of students who wish to meet and share ideas here, however there are inside areas which allow privacy.

The third combination is of Steven Holl's Parallax and Kisho Kurokawa's Metabolism. The metabolism model lends itself to combination with other buildings quite well due to the nature of the theme but the parallax model has a very expansive nature which does not lend itself to a smooth combination. I decided to hang the parallax model off the metabolism model alluding to the new theme of Gravity. The unnatural idea of a monumental building with basically no support in the ground is futuristic and fantastic but the space it creates in the centre is very intriguing and surreal; which I believe to be the biggest factor for attracting students to meet and congregate there.

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